The Simplest Way For Business To Verify Criminal Records And Identities.

Benefits of Criminal Record Checks for Businesses

With HURU, you can streamline your onboarding process, quickly verify the identities of new hires, contractors, and vendors, and conduct thorough criminal record checks. Our technology and verification protocols make it easy for you to confirm the identity of individuals and ensure that they are qualified to work in your organisation.

Continuous Verifications

Once a fingerprint is captured, you can easily schedule continuous verifications. This allows for ongoing monitoring of an individual’s identity and can provide added security for sensitive information or high-risk environments.

Convenient Fingerprint Captures

Over 500 nationwide capture locations make capturing the fingerprints of employees easy and convenient.

Affordable Verifications

Protect your business with affordable Criminal Record Checks and Identity Verifications. Criminal record checks and identity verifications are crucial tools for safeguarding your business against potential risks. By accurately substantiating the identities of your employees and conducting a thorough criminal background check, you can protect your business from fraud, theft, and other criminal activities.

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About HURU

We offer South African recruitment companies simplest, smartest way to verify Criminal Records and Identities.

Comprehensive Verification

We ensure the highest quality control of all fingerprints captured. We also use biometric technology to ensure True Identity.

Continuous Verifications

Once a fingerprint is captured, you can easily schedule continuous verifications for future dates.

We’ve Been Featured In The Press


Contact Us

  • 010 593 4491
  • 1st Floor, 1 Bompas Road, Dunkeld West, 2196

    Register an account to start a verification